when a guitar plays the blues
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LINK: whenaguitarplaystheblues
A fine album by Roy Buchanan, a guitar hero who never quite made the big time. Exquisitely produced by Alligator Records, Roy gets a chance to stretch out and show what he can do with a guitar. On the opening track, he tries to make his guitar sound like a church organ, it seems, and he almost pulls it off ! The one thing about Roy Buchanan is his singing voice : it just doesn't do the trick. Often he just seems to say the lyrics as opposed to sing them. He brings in a couple of guests to sing on a few tracks, and these add further to the unease about Roy's own voice. His guitar playing is tops, though ! Listen to tracks like "Mrs. Pressure" (his former guitar teacher ! What's in a name ?) or "Sneaking Godzilla through the alley" (great title !) and be convinced. This is the first of 3 albums Roy made for Alligator, and they seemed to set him on the track to greater recognition. Sadly, though, all came to an end when he was arrested one night for being drunk in a public place and took his own life in his cell. A sad end to a great guitar-player's life.
Roy Buchanan was one of the best axe slingers of all time.Why he never got the reconition he truly deserved is beyond comprehension.I've had this album for a couple of years,and it sounds as fresh today as it did when i first bought it.From the title track (When a guitar plays the blues),to the last song on the album (hawaiian punch).this album is great.Being the first album that ROY produced and mixed himself,he said it felt like it was his first recod.And in his own words,this album is really me.he also thought this was the best album he had ever released.If you like great blues then this is a must own album.
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